Programs and Services

Diabetes Prevention Program at the Watertown Family YMCA:
NO COST TO SENIORS 60 AND OLDER. The YMCA's Diabetes Prevention program can decrease the number of new type 2 diabetes cases and give individuals at high risk for developing the disease tools for healthy living. The program helps those at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles by eating healthier, increasing physical activity, and losing a modest amount of weight in order to reduce their chances of developing the disease.

The program provides a supportive environment where participants work together in a small group led by a trained Lifestyle Coach in a classroom setting.  It is delivered over a 12-month period, beginning with 16 weekly sessions followed by monthly maintenance.

For more information, contact: Michelle Graham or Steve Rowell at the Watertown Family YMCA, 119 Washington St., Watertown, NY 13601, 315-782-3100, To view the Website (Click here) .

NYConnects :

A trusted place where you can get the information and assistance you need to make informed decisions about long term care. NY Connects provides information on many services including: Home Delivered Meals, Transportation, Respite Care, Home Health Care, Friendly visiting, counseling and Support, and more.

Direct Services

Information & Referral :

This agency provides information to persons over the age of sixty regarding opportunities for independence and to make referrals to other agencies.


The agency seeks out and identifies hard to reach older persons in order to inform them of the available options and to assist them in gaining access to needed services. Particular emphasis is placed in reaching the low income, the vulnerable, the minority and rural component of the senior population.

Legal Services:

Legal assistance is provided by agency staff for persons over the age of sixty who could not otherwise access this service. Legal problems arising out of entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and other areas of law and legislation are evaluated and sometimes referred to an attorney.

Home Energy Assistance: (HEAP)

The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) provides financial assistance with heating for households that qualify under NYS eligibility levels. Persons, who have received this benefit in the past year, automatically receive an application.  Also if you receive Food Stamps you will automatically receive your benefit.  The program generally operates  from November to March.  New requests should be made to the Office for the Aging by phone.

Medicare and Insurance Counseling:

Information on filing and appealing claims and on availability of Medicare supplement policies and their premiums. Also information on Long Term Care policies for nursing home costs. Additionally, the Medicare Buy-in program is made available, providing eligible persons with return to their Social Security check of the Medicate deduction, and in some cases, the equivalent of a free Plan C Medicare Supplement Policy.

Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program: (EISEP)

EISEP is a comprehensive program of in-home services for functionally impaired persons over the age of sixty. Services include case management, in-home services (housekeeping and personal care), in-home respite, and ancillary services. The office has information about qualifications and eligibility levels for this non-medical home care program.

Nutrition Services:

Approximately 500 meals are provided each day at meal sites throughout the county; including those delivered to the homebound elderly. Participants of the meal program have the opportunity to contribute toward the cost of the meal, but no one is refused a meal because of inability to pay. Home delivered meals are available throughout the County for persons who are confined to their homes and have difficulty in preparing their own food. Nutrition education and counseling is provided by a registered dietitian.

Jefferson County Office for the Aging Nutrition Program: The Nutrition Program is pleased to provide hot, nutritious noontime meals at each of the meal sites in Jefferson County. All individuals aged 60 and over or married to someone 60 or over are welcome to participate.

Lunch Program – 785-3191

Contracted Services:


The agency contracts with three non-profit corporations to provide transportation within Jefferson County. No fee; donations accepted.

Wilna-Champion Transportation Association, Inc., of Carthage, which provides bus transportation. The bus is handicap-equipped.

Paynter Senior Center provides transportation in the River communities connected with Center activities and for medical and nutritional needs, traveling once weekly to Watertown.

Volunteer Center provides volunteer transportation for medical and nutritional needs throughout the County to those who have no other means of travel.

Referrals are made to private, fee for service transportation services, including invalid coaches, ambulette and ambulance transport.

Home Health Care:

Referrals are made to certified home health agencies for medical home care.

Caregiver Respite:

Referrals are made for in-home or day-care respite services for persons with full-time caregiving responsibilities.

Family Caregiver Support Program:

Assistance for those caring for older relatives or friends is provided through this program. Supportive services include institutional and non-institutional respite, person emergency response systems, home modifications, educational opportunities and counseling and support groups.

Other Services: glasses.jpg

Senior Employment:

The agency holds in highest regard the right of senior citizens to be employed in meaningful and rewarding jobs. Title V Senior Employment and PathStone referrals assist qualified persons in obtaining part-time employment. Eligibility information is available by phone.